Applying to a Festival or Season

You’ve found out all about the festival / season you want to apply to and you’ve been directed to Eventotron. What now?


If you are new to Eventotron, create an account. If you already have an account, sign in.


Click on Festivals & Seasons in the top menu.


You will see a list of all festivals and seasons currently accepting applications. Scroll through the list to find the festival / season you want to be part of and click the Apply button.


There will be information about the festival / season followed by this:



If you are applying with an event that is already in Eventotron (ie: an event you have applied to a previous festival / season with) click My event is already in Eventotron, find it in the dropdown list and click next.


If you are creating a new event, click I am creating a new event, enter the name of the event and click next.


Now fill in the festival / season application / registration questionnaires. Your answers will be saved automatically so you can return to complete them later.


How to find your event in Eventotron


So, you have completed part of your application and have logged out. Now you want to log back in and finish what you started. Log in (using the same email address and password as before) and click on Events in the top menu.


Under My Events you will see all your events in Eventotron. Under each event there are icons to show which festival / season you are applying or have applied to.



Click on the event you are in the process of applying to a festival / season with.



You will see the festival / season as a tab, click on the tab and continue the application / registration process.


If you have questions about the application / registration for a specific festival or season, it’s best to contact them directly – however, we will always try to help if we can so click on the Help button if you get stuck.


That’s it!


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