Info Collection – Payments

The Payments section in Info Collection is a special section and is automatically added to a newly created festival or season.


The Payments tab is where the event manager will see the amount they will be required to pay and a downloadable pdf invoice/receipt (if you have set this up in the $Money tab)


Click on Payments


Pay on finalise – select YES if you want to take a payment when an event finalises registration. Select NO if you’re not taking payments or if you are taking a payment at another point in the application / registration process.



Here you can change the title of the section and add a description to help event managers.


You can choose to hide the section from event managers if you are not taking payments by unticking Visible to Event Manager


You can lock the section until the event is joined to a venue by ticking Venue required (in the majority of cases festivals and seasons make joining to a venue essential for finalising so it’s unlikely ticking this would be necessary in most scenarios)


You now need to set up your payment templates and automatic fees in the $Money tab



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