Are you having trouble editing your application or registration forms? Check out this troubleshooting guide to find out why.
We have not leaked your data
Eventotron has not experienced a data breach or leaked your data. A recent Apple update has introduced new security recommendations which alert you when an email and password combination has been made publicly available in a data breach.
Interacting with Venues
If you are applying to a festival or season which requires you to apply to venues – this guide is for you.
How to Add People to Your Event
You have created an event and applied to a festival or season. You are working with other people on the event and you’d like to give them access to it in Eventotron. Here’s how.
Who is Eventotron for?
Eventotron is for everyone involved in live arts events.
Signing Up
Signing up for Eventotron is easy. Here is a quick guide to show you how.
Your Account
An overview of how to manage your Eventotron account.
Navigating Eventotron
A quick guide to help you find your way around Eventotron when you first sign in or register.
Understanding Eventotron Terminology
A helpful list of the words and descriptions we use in Eventotron.
Adding a Streaming Link in Eventotron
When you add a streaming link in Eventotron you are asked to specify the Stream Type. This guide shows you what the difference is between a link and an embed code and where to find the link or embed code on your chosen streaming platform.